cortical circuits group

Ranson lab

Current lab members:

Dr Adam Ranson

Principle Investigator

Dr PEDRO Mateos-aparicio

Post-doctoral fellow

Yerko Fuentealba

Lab Manager


PhD Candidate

Dr Antonio Fernández

Post-doctoral fellow

Sebastián Rodríguez

MSc Student

Rúben Correia

PhD Candidate

Former lab members:

Dr Eluned Broom

PhD Candidate (UK)

Studied top-down signals from ACC>V1 during visually guided behaviours. Now in the lab of Jasper Poort at Cambridge University, UK

Dr Richard Inman

Postdoctoral researcher (UK)

Developed visual discrimination behaviour training procedures. Now at Universidade de Lusíada, Porto, Portugal 

    Dr Anna   Powel

Postdoctoral researcher (UK)

Collaboration with Sengpiel lab to study RSC visual processing. Now a medical writer at Oxford Pharmagenesis, UK.

   Jacopo      Barone   

PhD Rotation Student (UK)

Welcome Trust Integrative Neuroscience PhD programme rotation student in collaboration with Sengpiel lab. Studied hemodynamic coupling of blood vessel diameter to neural activity.

Dr Asta Vasalauskaite

Postdoctoral researcher (UK)

Studied the effect of visual experience on the development of higher visual areas.

Vivian imbriotis

University of Tasmania research student

Rosie  Craddock

PhD Candidate (UK)

SWBio PhD co-supervised with Sengpiel lab.